Top Trade Shows and Exhibitions in Europe and the UK
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List of Upcoming Trade Shows and Exhibitions

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Automechanika Dubai 2024
10 – 12 December 2024, Dubai
CPHI Middle East
CPHI Middle East
10th December to 12th December 2024, Dubai
Off-Grid Expo + Conference
OFF-GRID Expo + Conference 2024
5th to 6th December 2024 Augsburg, Germany
Valve World Expo
Valve World Expo
3rd to 5th December 2024, Düsseldorf, Germany
Trustech 2024
3rd December to 5th December 2024, Paris
ISPO Munich 2024
ISPO Munich
3rd December to 5th December 2024 Munich, Germany
International Luxury Travel Market (ILTM) Cannes 2024
2nd December to 5th December 2024 | Cannes, France
IFSEC International 2024
2nd December to 4th December 2024 | ExCeL London
Euro bus expo
Euro Bus Expo 2024
12th November to 14th November 2024 | Birmingham, UK.
IBTM World
IBTM World Trade Show 2024
19th November to 21st November 2024 | Barcelona, Spain.
Interihotel Premier Trade Show for hotel 2024
19th November to 21st November 2024. | Madrid, Spain.
TT Warsaw
TT Warsaw International Travel and Tourism trade 2024
29th November to 1st December 2024. | Nadarzyn, Poland.
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